​Top Five Benefits of Having a Hobby

​Top Five Benefits of Having a Hobby

Posted by on Nov 16th 2017

In today's hustle and bustle life, many people often lose track of the importance of having a hobby outside of working and caring for a family. We're always caught up in the projects at work and our family life, and often lose sight of the importance of devoting a few hours a week to something that we enjoy doing.

There are numerous benefits to having a hobby, including health benefits and emotional support. In this post, we’ll discuss our five favorite benefits of having a hobby.

Improve Your Focus

With modern technology and the hectic day-to-day lifestyles of many people, life has turned into one lengthy trial in multitasking. Having a hobby that you enjoy that you can dedicate 100 percent of your attention to is crucial to retraining your brain to concentrate on single tasks at a time. Giving your brain a break from the multitasking frenzy and focusing on one task also gives it a “reboot”, so that you can be refreshed and ready to handle the craziness of the next day.

Boost Your Confidence

Especially if your hobby is challenging and requires a lot of determination such as building a complex model kit, you’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment once you have completed the task, ready to tackle any other problems you might run into.

Building models as well as woodworking or putting together puzzles are a great way to challenge your brain, and the more monumental the accomplishment, the more confidence you will gain.

Hobbies Add Flavor to Your Life

We've all know those people that just go to work, come home, watch TV, and go to bed, and we all know how mundane they seem. Adding a new hobby to your life will make you not only more interesting to others, but it will break up the day-to-day monotony many people feel trapped in. Just assembling a model kit for an hour a night, or working in the garage can do wonders to add variety to your life and make you feel and seem more interesting.

Cope with Stress

If your job is very demanding or if you have a lot of things happening all at once in your life, the stress can become overwhelming. Having a hobby can significantly reduce your stress levels, if even for just an hour or two, by focusing on something completely different than your day to life. We recommend picking up hobbies that you can occasionally work on outside of your home, so you can feel entirely removed from the day-to-day pressures.

Meet New People

Learning a new skill and conquering new challenges can present you with opportunities to network and meet like-minded people within your community. There are hundreds of clubs around the nation dedicated to a variety of subject areas.

Once you find your hobby of choice, look online to see if there are any relevant clubs in your area; you’d be surprised just how many there are! Outside of scale model building, do you have any other interesting hobbies? Share with us! We love to hear about other interests our fellow model-makers have.